Scrap Thoughts


I am cleaning my room right now, and on my desk was a green half sheet of card stock. I have seen the page sitting on the farthest corner for my seat for months, as it was the “plate” to hold my trash that had no place in my room ever since I converted my wastebasket to recycling only. I finally picked it up to put in my recycling bin, but in that action found a sort of excerpt that I must’ve written months ago. I am not sure if the thoughts I am about to share lie somewhere else on the internet, but I could not find it on this blog nor the English project that became that inspired this website, nor my art Instagram. It’s so interesting how so many words are lost to constant waves of the mind or the lost scraps of paper that may be residing in oblivion.

Here’s the thought:

“Paintings are not just the strokes that meet the surface as your eyes piece together abstractions that form a landscape. Paintings are layers of forgotten hues, forgotten memories, forgotten strokes hidden from everyone except the one who put them there.”

I could probably break down that idea and refine it. For now, it will just exist here as it is and as it was, sitting on my desk.


Exploitation with Diction


Things I’ve Learned