Written Word, a Journal Excerpt


This blog is intended to be a collection of various thoughts of mine both incomplete and more refined. I find that including some of my journal excerpts could be a productive way of sharing my thoughts that are not as long and fully fleshed out. I would say sharing my journal excerpts may resemble some ideas from the Book Of Delights. Maybe I will try out a Blog of Delights? For now, here is an excerpt from my journal.

11 January 2021

I’m struggling with my “This I Believe” speech for class. I’m not sure what to write next. I don’t really see this as a roadblock, but rather an opportunity for me to dig deep within myself with pen and paper rather than the editing prone keyboard. 

I find great comfort behind forming each letter. I am supported by a physical thing other than myself. You can see these letters, and with enough care from you, or force from me, you can feel the too. Quite possibly you can smell them.  I can hear them as my pen shakes and scratches the page, and you can hear them as you interpret their meaning and speak them aloud in your head.

How profound is written word! How exuberant and transcending is each and every letter of written script! I’m grateful for having been taught how to read and how to write. It slows things. Clears things. Complicates things. Decorates things. And becomes things.  


This I Believe


A Piece of Paper, Poem