What Do You Want to Be Remembered For?


What do you want to be remembered for?

Memory is a tricky thing to control. Psychologists are only now beginning to understand the parts of the brain associated with memory, so expecting us to somehow presume we can control or desire to control what other people remember us by is, in my opinion, misguided. But what is not misguided is the way we represent ourselves in day to day life. The trick, however, is that if we are molding the way we behave to try and increases our probability of being remembered for a certain reason, then at the end of the day, the memory of us is fake and merely an illusion. So when asked, what do I want to be remembered for, the straightforward answer would be to be remembered for the future documentaries I create exploring the complexities of human cultures across the globe and the importance of the natural world that humans are not a separate entity from. The complex answer is I don’t know. Do I want to be remembered for the work I create, a subsurface level of the human mind, excluding personality and characteristics only my closest companions would get to experience? Or do I want to be remembered as the person who is loyal, eccentric, but sometimes when hungry gets a little too “hangry”? But how can I wish for people to remember me by a certain facade when there are thousands more thoughts and intricacies reserved for me and my consciousness alone?  I can only begin to envision what I want to be remembered for when I have only (hopefully) lived a small portion of my life. So I guess what I want to be remembered for, if you are so interested to know, is to be remembered for being and thinking as me, whatever that ends up meaning in the end. 


Memories of Ash, a poem


This I Believe